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HR consulting Turkmenistan


So how can we make our HR processes run like clockwork?

First of all, it is necessary to put them in order.

HR business processes are poorly organized in most companies today. Unlike personnel management, where everything is regulated by legislative acts and the labor code, the sphere of human resources management often relies on improvisation and informalized processes that have developed over time.

Corporate culture

Corporate culture helps focus employees on the actions, behavioral indicators and meanings necessary for the business to work, ensuring the company's sustainability.

Strategy development and implementation

We will analyze the market, help develop the company's strategy, create a roadmap, think through the implementation of the strategy in the corporate culture and activities of each department, support the management team.

Strategy session. Objectives:

- Formulate the vision and strategic goals of the company
- Decompose the strategy
- Identify development drivers
- Synchronize departments
- Formulate KPIs and OKRs

Behind each of these is the implementation of a specific set of tools to solve specific tasks

- questionnaires for candidates/employees (provides prompt access to the results of surveys during adaptation, competencies, and dismissal; in turn, it helps the management to analyze the reasons and make effective management decisions on personnel issues);

- employee performance evaluation (allows to get an objective assessment from an expert on the project, and on this basis - to timely identify and correct the inconsistency of the employee's competencies to the tasks performed, as well as to improve the process of the recruitment process);

Why to implement a system of HR business process organization?

Order. This point is especially important for companies, where the number of personnel is 50 or more people, and there may be a rapid development of its activities. 

Implementation of the system will allow you to customize the chains of interaction between employees whose activities are related to HR-management, and will make such interaction easier and clearer. Since all those responsible will be familiarized with the processes, it will be easy to avoid unnecessary amateurism and improvisation on the part of employees.

Timing. The system allows you to quickly find information on responsible persons and data for communication, i.e. to interact with employees in real time.

Minimization of the “human factor”. Unfortunately, a thick daily notebook, which is a favorite of many HR managers, cannot immediately warn its owner about his management problems.

Reporting. In the system for HR-processes management it is enough to set up a system of reports. Now the necessary analytical reporting in HR management is available for analysis.