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ISO implementation Turkmenistan


- you plan to release your products on the world market;
- you plan to attract foreign investments;
- you participate in tenders, in the competition for the supply of products for foreign partners;
- you work with customers who require a working system and ISO certificate;
- you want to improve your image among competitors.

ISO 9001 - Quality Management System
ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System
ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management System
GSO 2055-1 - Halal food products.


Implementing a Standards System in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO - is a strategically important decision for many modern companies.

This step is necessary because it prepares the company for high competition, innovation and continuous growth.

There are statistical data naming the reasons for implementation:

- quality is the basis of the company's strategy - 57%;

- quality is a part of the company's image - 30%;

the certificate is necessary for export activities - 24%;

- the certificate is required by the company as a supplier - 11%;
- availability of the certificate is a requirement of partners and shareholders - 5%.


Obtaining ISO certificate gives an opportunity to

- increase the company's profit;

- bring the organization to a new level;

- develop international relations;

- participate in public and private tenders;

- improve the reputation of the company in the eyes of consumers and competitors;

- increase the efficiency of the management system;

- reduce and optimize the company's losses in case of low-quality or defective goods;

- increase the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.

The process of obtaining the certificate not only strengthens the company's position in the market, but also contributes to the improvement of product quality through the optimization of the company's activities and the growth of staff qualifications.

ISO 9001:2015 - establishes the criteria of quality management system

It is the only standard in its series that can be certified (although it is not a mandatory requirement). It can be used by any organization, regardless of its size or field of activity.
More than one million companies and organizations in more than 170 countries are certified to ISO 9001.

This standard is based on a number of quality management principles such as strong customer focus, management motivation and involvement, process approach and continuous improvement. These elements are explained in more detail in the ISO quality management principles. The application of ISO 9001 helps to ensure that customers consistently receive quality products and services, which in turn is very beneficial to the business.

Quality management system at the modern level of development is a management system of an organization, not just an organizational and technical system or a set of interrelated management methods and technologies. At the heart of any ideology are postulates or principles from which this system is based. It is on the basis of such principles that the whole theoretical and practical base is built.

The ISO 14000 series of standards provides practical tools for a variety of environmentally responsible companies and organizations

As of 2010, ISO 14001 is currently used by at least 223,149 organizations in 159 countries. ISO 14001 establishes criteria for EMS. 

It does not set requirements for environmental performance, but describes the basic rules that an organization can follow to build an effective EMS. 

Using ISO 14001 can be used to demonstrate that an organization's management and its employees are protected.

It can also be used to demonstrate to stakeholders that the company is measuring and improving its environmental impact on them. ISO 14001 can be integrated with other management functions to more easily achieve its environmental and economic objectives.

Implementing ISO 14001 provides:
-Savings by reducing the costs of materials, raw materials and energy;
-Optimization of the treatment of various wastes;
-Reducing the likelihood of environmental disasters and emergencies that can lead to litigation and penalties;
-Expanding the market by improving the company's image.

For those organizations that are serious about improving employee safety, reducing risks in the workplace and creating safer working conditions, there is ISO 45001 standard

The benefits of implementing the standard become evident as soon as the company starts working with its requirements, norms and principles. Positive changes concern not only internal issues and reduction of risks of emergencies at work, but also external factors:

- Employees' loyalty to the management, their interest in the enterprise's performance, consideration of stakeholders' opinion when making important decisions. As a consequence, a more friendly atmosphere in the team, increased labor efficiency.
- Reduction of insurance payments.
- Reduction of legal costs arising from disputes or emergencies.

- Increased labor activity due to fewer sick days and fewer injuries.

- Minimizing fines, improving relations with regulatory authorities.

The ISO 22000 series of international standards focuses on food safety management.

The consequences of consuming unsafe food can be serious. ISO standards help organizations identify and control food safety hazards. Since most of today's food products are constantly crossing international borders, international standards are needed to guarantee the safety of the global supply chain.

Internal benefits:
1. The standard is based on a systematic approach dealing with all food safety parameters at each stage of the process;
2. Control of all parameters affecting the safety of the original product.

3. Savings by reducing the output of non-compliant products.

4. Allocation of responsibility for ensuring safety measures for production and storage of food products.

5. Concentration of the main efforts and resources of the enterprise on the identified critical and control points.

6. Timely use of preventive measures.

External benefits.

1. Increased consumer confidence in manufactured products.

2. Expansion of sales markets.

3. Increase in competitiveness of the enterprise and products.

4. Growth of investment attractiveness.

5. Creation of a solid reputation as a producer of quality and safe food products.

продуктов питания.
6. Finding control points without errors and obtaining the necessary timely level of control over them.

Halal certification system is a documented confirmation that the product itself, its ingredients and the production technology used meet the norms of GSO 2055-1 standard.

Why do I need a Halal standard? 

The need for the certificate is caused by the need to solve the following tasks:
- assisting consumers in choosing products that their faith does not forbid them to consume;
- protecting consumers from manufacturers who assure compliance with certain requirements, which in fact are not;
- the possibility of creating conditions for the development of organizations producing Halal products and promoting them in the world market.

Advantages of Halal certification

The main advantage of the certificate is:

1. Consumer confidence in products that are labeled with the registered system of voluntary certification Halal
2. Goods that have a certificate “Halal” - is a high-quality environmentally friendly products that do not contain harmful substances and GMO.

3. Both Muslims and non-Muslims often choose Halal-certified products as having undergone more rigorous environmental and safety testing.

Therefore, more and more consumers, even non-Muslims, are favoring Halal products and services.

4. Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that Halal certification will give producers and sellers of real quality products an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage and increase their reputation.